Presentation + Takeaways, 3/3
What are your key takeaways from the framing context readings and activities and how are they informing your thinking about your project?
In response to McCarthy’s 4MAT System, we began to synthesize our learnings thus far to share out with the class. Just as a recap, we’ve boiled down our areas of inquiry to three narrower lenses—reframing/reflecting on failure, creating safe spaces for learning (and failing), and opening up dialogue around the learning process to address imposter syndrome.
The class shared some really helpful feedback! Based on their insights, we can continue to explore nuances in our stakeholder group and how people might quantify failure differently based on their personal goals, background, and environment. There seems to be a lot of potential in extending design thinking beyond the studio. How might college students, design or otherwise, get more comfortable with trying, failing, and ‘iterating’ their way towards success in other areas of life? Another valuable resource for resilience comes with age, so we’re interested in exploring more intergenerational communication. Whether it be educators or older adults who have found success through nonlinear paths, how can the wisdom and resilience that come with experience be imparted towards college students?
Outside of class, the Wiggins and McTighe readings are pushing us to really visualize preferred states for our learners. While the readings introduced the six facets of learning in order of concrete, external objectives to the more abstract and internal, our team might switch up the order when analyzing our own goals! Perspective, Empathizing, and Self-knowledge are incredibly relevant to the sorts of activities we envision our learners doing. We’re all really excited to continue refining, and eventually design and test out more tangible strategies!